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Punkt afgift på te hvor meget? - privat person

24. maj 2014 - 16:32 #0

Jeg har lidt svært ved at finde ud af hvad jeg skal af med, hvis jeg bestiller te på nettet fra f.eks Kina. Jeg har fundet nogle satser der siger mellem 6 - 18 kr. pr 100 kg. Men det står for registrerede virksomheder.


Så hvis jeg køber f.eks. 100 gram te for 60 kr. er der så andre udgifter ud over prisen og levering?


og hvis beløbet kommer op på f.eks. 79 kr, og jeg skal betale 5 kr. i punktafgift, skal jeg så betale moms og gebyrer da den overstiger 80 kr?

Te manden

Te manden

Vist 3279 gange - Besvaret 3 gange



24. august 2014 - 11:04 #3

Thanks for visiting and the fecbdaek. Been living in as a hermit for far too long! I'll definately check out that link and thanks for the support it means a lot.Hope your day is filled with all good things!Sue [url=]wnkboewvzn[/url] [link=]rsbuukyr[/link]

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21. august 2014 - 13:06 #2

I really feel tocuhed for the great lose we had when we lost our dear mother Eunice Kennedy Shriver. May her Soul rest in peace. However I would like to know the real activities done on this Special Day because this is our first time. We want to celebrate this day in Uganda. Please I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks.Yours,Okello C.Athlete RepresentativeUganda Sub Program (Africa) [url=]rrrrozvuxb[/url] [link=]hwhoub[/link]



20. august 2014 - 14:23 #1

Thank you for notifying me that EUNICE KENNEDY SHRIVER DAY is an anunal celebration of her life and a global call for people to commit actions of inclusion. Yes, acceptance and unity for and with people with intellectual disabilities is important to be continue to acknowledge.It is great that the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Day has been created and continues to be celebrated to inspire new fans to experience her legacy and embrace the movement she founded in her backyard. What started as an inclusive sports camp in the early 1960s has blossomed into a worldwide movement transforming lives in over 170 countries.I can only get involved thru the Internet. I would like to receive more information. Do you have a chapter in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico?



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